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FREE BioGrad Education
A Level Practicals Teacher Training Programmes

BioGrad Education in partnership with SupplyWell is offering free practical courses to support the delivery and assessment of CPAC (Common Practical Assessment Criteria) in A Level Sciences for any school or educator in the Liverpool City Region (LCR).

About the course


BioGrad Education are offering free Common Practical Assessment Criteria (CPAC) A Level Practicals Teacher Training Programmes for any school or teacher in the Liverpool City Region (LCR).

There are two new, fully funded courses for learners aged 19+
CPAC ‘A’ Level Biology and Chemistry Practical Endorsement Training for Teachers 

CPAC ‘A’ Level Chemistry and Physics Practical Endorsement Training for Teachers 


Frequently Asked Questions for Educators

FREE BioGrad Education A Level Practicals Teacher Training Programmes

Thank you for your interest in one of the FREE BioGrad Education A Level Practicals Teacher Training Programmes provided in partnership with SupplyWell.

If you have an interest in up-skilling your delivery of Level 3 Science practical skills and the associated assessment (particular focus on A-level Biology, Chemistry and Physics), then this FREE course is for you.


What are the course dates?

There are two courses available: 

CPAC ‘A’ Level Biology and Chemistry Practical Endorsement Training for Teachers 

Starting dates include, 24th July, 7th August, 21st August 2023


CPAC ‘A’ Level Chemistry and Physics Practical Endorsement Training for Teachers 

Starting dates include, 24th July,  7th August, 21st August 2023


Will I get paid?

If you are a Supply Teacher, not attached to a School under a permanent or fixed term contract, or unemployed, you will be paid your travel expenses for attending the course. This payment will be made to you at the end of the course.

Who is this course for?

Participants that this course content will strongly support include:
  • PGCE students who have just finished their course and are about to start their first teaching role.
  • NQTs (particularly ECTs who had a disrupted training year during the pandemic).
  • Non-specialist teachers delivering outside their own subject area.
  • Technicians who support Level 3 practical science.
  • Experienced teachers who want a refresher.
  • Supply teachers who are keen to upskill and who may also be looking for a teaching role.

Can I do the course in evenings and weekends?

The courses will currently be run in a laboratory environment in the daytime, from 9am to 4pm.

Will there be any further courses scheduled?

There will be more training courses offered but they may not be provided free as the first tranche of courses is covered by funding from the LCR. If you are interested in the course but cannot book on one of these dates, please contact us to express interest in future courses. 

Where is the course held?

The courses are currently due to be held at The Marina Dalglish Centre Healthcare Campus, Bootle.

Is it just for Science teachers?

No! The course will be particularly useful for upskilling Science teachers and Science Laboratory technicians, however, there are lots of others who would benefit.

For example, it may also be relevant for PE teachers, Maths teachers, any teacher who covers Science classes, Cover Supervisors and Teaching Assistants.

What is the format of the courses?

The courses will run in a laboratory environment in the daytime. The courses run across two consecutive weeks in length and there will be some pre-work in addition to some short written assessment activity to the assessment done in the laboratory as practical work is carried out. 24 practicals will be carried out (12 in each science subject) that give participants the opportunity to handle apparatus and to carry out techniques that are relevant (and a regulatory requirement) of the awarding organisations currently.

How long is the course?

The course comprises a 10 day programme, run over two week blocks. There are 60 hours in total across the 2 weeks.

If a course run as 1 day per week for 10 weeks would suit you better, please contact us to express interest as this may be an option for future courses.

Is there a Minimum age for attending?

The minimum age is 19 years.

What are the benefits of attending?

Upskill in A Level Science Practicals  🔬
Increase your confidence in the delivery of A Level Science Practicals and develop expertise in the use of apparatus, techniques and CPAC assessment.

Develop laboratory skills  👩‍🔬
Work in real laboratories with scientists who are experts in their field, build knowledge and share strategies to stretch and challenge students in the laboratory environment.

Gain knowledge outside your specialist area 🎓
Expand your knowledge to teach practical work outside your specialist area and progress your career.


Who are BioGrad Education?

Proudly founded and based in Liverpool City Region, BioGrad is leading the way in laboratory-based learning, diagnostics and most recently, Covid-19 testing, with a clear mission that everyone should have access to gold standard healthcare and education.

BioGrad Education specialise in offering immersive laboratory and clinical skills training courses at their state-of-the-art facilities in Liverpool.

Register Your Interest or Find Out More

What's the best way for us to contact you? Please indicate which course date you might be interested in and ask any questions you may have!

Frequently Asked Questions for Schools 

FREE BioGrad Education A Level Practicals Teacher Training Programmes provided in partnership 

Thank you for your interest in the FREE BioGrad Education A Level Practicals Teacher Training Programmes provided in partnership with SupplyWell.

If you have staff - educators or technicians that would benefit from up skilling their practical skills for A-level then sign them up to this FREE fully funded course. SupplyWell will be able to help replace anyone thats on the course.


How much is the course for schools?

It’s free! This training is currently being provided free of charge for any school in the Liverpool City Region (LCR).


What are the course dates?

CPAC ‘A’ Level Biology and Chemistry Practical Endorsement Training for Teachers 

Starting dates include, 24th July,  7th August, 21st August 2023


CPAC ‘A’ Level Chemistry and Physics Practical Endorsement Training for Teachers 

Starting dates include, 24th July,  7th August, 21st August 2023


Will there be any further courses scheduled?

There will be more training courses offered but they are unlikely to be free as the first tranche of courses is covered by funding from the LCR. If you are interested in the course but cannot book your staff on one of these dates, please contact us to express interest in future courses.

Where is the course held?

The courses are currently due to be held at The Marina Dalglish Centre Healthcare Campus, Bootle. A laboratory is required to run the course. If you have enough numbers from your school or Multi Academy Trust there may be an option to hold it on site at your school– please ask us and we will look into this for you.

How many teachers can I send on the course?

As many as you would like to! Each course will have 8-10 attendees but there are numerous courses running if you would like to send more staff than that. 

Can it be held just for my staff?

The course can be comprised of just your school staff, or staff from your Multi Academy Trust (MAT) if you prefer, as long as minimum numbers are met. Each course requires a minimum of 8 attendees to run.

Can it be held in-house at my school?

In terms of location, the courses are currently due to be held at The Marina Dalglish Centre Healthcare Campus, Bootle. A laboratory is required to run the course. However, if you have enough numbers from your school or Multi Academy Trust there may be an option to hold it on site at your school– please ask us and we will look into this for you.

Is it just for Science teachers?

No! The course will be particularly useful for upskilling Science teachers and Science Laboratory technicians, however, there are lots of others who would benefit. 

For example, it may also be relevant for PE teachers, Maths teachers, any teacher who covers Science classes, Cover Supervisors and Teaching Assistants.

What is the format of the courses?

The courses will run in a laboratory environment in the daytime. The courses run across two consecutive weeks in length and there will be some pre-work in addition to some short written assessment activity to the assessment done in the laboratory as practical work is carried out. 24 practicals will be carried out (12 in each science subject) that give participants the opportunity to handle apparatus and to carry out techniques that are relevant (and a regulatory requirement) of the awarding organisations currently.

How long is the course?

The course comprises a 10 day programme, run over two week blocks. There are 60 hours in total across the 2 weeks.

If a course run as 1 day per week for 10 weeks would suit you better, please contact us to express interest as this may be an option for future courses.

Is there a Minimum age for attending?

The minimum age is 19 years.

What are the benefits of attending, for schools?

  • Your staff receive 2 weeks free CPAC training! 

  • Your staff are upskilled in the latest training for those who run A level science practicals.

  • Your non-science staff and cover supervisors will be better equipped to cover science lessons.

  • You will be providing valuable CPD for your staff.

  • Your staff will improve their knowledge of science practical skills.

  • Your staff will be taught how to set up and teach the practical elements needed to be assessed for the A Level exams.

  • Your staff will be trained to develop processes for A level practical examinations in all sciences.

  • Your staff will be able to expand their lab knowledge

  • This will promote upskilling and employment progression within the profession.

  • This is unique training, only available for schools and supply teachers in the LCR. 

Who are BioGrad Education?

Proudly founded and based in Liverpool City Region, BioGrad is leading the way in laboratory-based learning, diagnostics and most recently, Covid-19 testing, with a clear mission that everyone should have access to gold standard healthcare and education.

BioGrad Education specialise in offering immersive laboratory and clinical skills training courses at their state-of-the-art facilities in Liverpool. 

Register Your Interest or Find Out More

What's the best way for us to contact you? Please indicate which course date you might be interested in and ask any questions you may have!